The Best You
The Best You is a dynamic behavioural change programme where young people at risk take full responsibility for their lives, transform negative lifestyle patterns to reveal a new way.
Over 6 weeks, two motivational coaches focusing on transforming aggressive responses, making improvements, breaking through learnt behaviour, and discovering one’s passions and goals. The group are set proactive steps to take on a weekly basis.
During the 5th week, the groups experience the powerful tour at The Ben Kinsella Trust. They learn about the impact of knife crime and the shocking ripple effect it has on so many lives
A month post course, the participants receive a one to one coaching session to monitor impact and progress.
Outcomes include: a maintained place in education, improved self- esteem and motivation, reduced detentions and exclusions, reduced knife crime and anti social behaviour and increased employability opportunities.
Week 1: Going for goals
Areas of improvement around education, friendship groups and home life are shared with proactive tasks set to move forward. The group takes part in interactive exercises building confidence, self esteem and presentation skills.
Week 2: Assert Yourself
Become more resolution based, transform aggressive responses through revealing an empowered and respectful voice. The group role plays challenging scenarios using a 3 step approach, receiving feedback and an assertive task for the week ahead.
Week 3: Make a statement
Identify strengths and positive attributes in order to create a winning personal statement and C.V.
Week 4: Interview you
Practice selling oneself with confidence in an interview setting based around furthering education or employment opportunities. The group will implement learnt assertive body language and communication.
Week 5: The Ben Kinsella Tour
Experience the powerful tour and passionate facilitators reminding the group of the impact of knife crime and the preciousness of their lives.
Week 6: New You
Recap over the programme and commit to a new action plan and next steps.

Stand up for yourself
Stand up for yourself enables young people at risk to find their assertive, authentic and funny voice breaking through anger, bravado and uncomfortable emotions. This course pulls out the courage, strength and determination in a young individual to write an original, powerful comedy set and own it! Stand up for yourself has improved mental health, self esteem and inspired young people to take new courageous action in the area of education and employment.
Week 1: Your shout
Watching and feeding back on professional stand up comedians. The group takes part in exercises such as Anger rant and First Impressions encouraging them to get to know one another and express their deepest frustrations and anger in a safe setting. Having a strong emotional connection to a subject can bring much comedy and strong connection with the audience.
Week 2: What’s so funny?
The group learns the art of constructing a joke based on the rule of 3 involving the premise, set up and punchline. We also focus on the importance of exaggeration and empathy in comedy.
Week 3: Jokes on you
The group spends the session brainstorming ideas for material using learnt comedy techniques and tones. The group works in pairs and individually sharing ideas. The group presents back to the group receiving feedback.
Week 4: Walk the talk
The participants receive one to one coaching from a professional comedian and work on sets, focusing on opening lines, tone and delivery.
Week 5: Deliver the goods
The group decides on a running order, practises microphone techniques, presentation and delivery and has a rehearsal with feedback.
Week 6: Showtime
The newbie comics take part in a live performance which is filmed in front of an audience. They all receive a certificate of achievement and character reference for future employment.

We run inspiring and energising presentations to larger groups of young people at risk. Often working in partnership with inclusion units, SENCO departments or heads of specific years to connect with the young people on a larger scale. The presentations are custom built and devised around the concerns of staff and specific needs of the young individuals. Common themes of presentations are on behaviour-change, letting the past be one’s fuel not narrative and standing strong on one’s own. We use inspiring footage, personal experiences as well as interactive exercises, leaving the groups uplifted and ready for change and a new way.

Signing off
The clue is in the title. If you want to get a job, we will do everything we can to help you find one. Over a 6 week focused period our interactive programme will help you create or transform your CV into a winning one, write a powerful personal statement, communicate assertively in an interview, improve your presentation skills, job search and take proactive action to find the right training or employment for you.
In 2021 during the pandemic, Head Held High coached a group of 18 to 24 year old young people at risk back into employment. Over an intensive and proactive 6 weeks, on completion 100% of the group had improved self esteem, clarity of vocational goals and found employment