
Pascal Pelosi-Campbell
“I’ve been in care since I was 14 years old. I’m 21 now. When someone goes into care, their life beforehand wasn’t great. From the day I was born, I grew up around conflict: family conflict, conflict in the area I grew up in, there was just conflict all around. When I came to the Head Held High programme, I had been through a lot of negative experiences: trauma and toxic relationships and more, so I had a lot of anger in me. Your course was a good place to share my challenges and find new support and mechanisms to help me. You showed a lot of care which I appreciated and your persistence and how you kept making sure I stayed on the right track, didn’t go unnoticed. The integrity of your coaches and willingness to help is something I will always remember vividly”.
-The Best You Programme
RO Dodgson
“The course came at an interesting time for me as I was just coming out of a mental health crisis. What the programme did for me was to help me look at my life experiences including the painful ones, and find the funny in them. This helped me view things from a new angle and find a new perspective. Head Held High has opened up new avenues in my life and I now even have a bigger social circle because of my experience. I guess I didn’t realise how small my life was until comedy made it bigger. Since the comedy course, I now look for the funny in everyday experiences. There are still days where I struggle with my mental health but thanks to comedy, there are now days when I thrive. Oh and I have started doing stand up comedy professionally…did I mention that?”
– Stand Up For Yourself Programme

“This work is so valuable for young people, giving them a space where they feel they can share, voice and work with adults on revealing their true potential. It has been life changing. I believe all young people should be given this platform to grow from and we will all miss their weekly sessions.” – Miss Hyson, Copthall school.
“This has made me think about how precious my life is, and to be careful who I’m around.” – Participant, The Best you
The programme has had a massive impact on our students who took part. I’ve noticed an improvement on overall attendance, students are a lot more focused in lessons and also thinking about their future. Some of them are very much looking forward to getting a part-time job. – Tutor, Regent High School.
I’ve learnt that being rude is not a way to sort things out and that this life is too short to carry hate around. – Participant, The Best You.