Empowering young people at risk to reveal their courage, take new action and thrive in their lives

About US

We lead motivational and engaging workshops for young people up to the age of 25 who are at risk of exclusion, lacking in direction or affiliated with youth violence. Our aim is prevention and, through our nurturing and interactive intervention, we focus on  breaking through negative lifestyle patterns, overcoming barriers, unlocking talent and taking new action for new results. The work is highly interactive so that our young people feel the change from day one.

Poverty, social, economic circumstances, repressed anger, anti-social behaviour and low self-worth are common challenges that lead to poor education, unstable relationships, and unemployment.

Our passionate coaches inspire, connect and encourage our participants to consistently achieve tangible results throughout the programmes. We share personal stories, offer one to one support and make sure we have a laugh along the way.

Head Held High is proud to have helped over 1000 young people overcome obstacles and transform their lives for the better. We aim to continue to help many more in their advancement both personally and professionally.


The Best You

The Best You is run in partnership with anti knife crime charity The Ben Kinsella Trust. It is a life-changing 6 week behavioural change programme empowering young people at risk to transform negative lifestyle patterns, limited beliefs and destructive behaviour. Over an intensive and interactive course, participants start taking new action that is based on revealing limitless potential and their true passions and goals. Taking new steps both personally and professionally to maintain their place in education, reducing exclusions and becoming an inspiration not only to others but also to themselves.


Stand Up for Yourself

Stand Up for Yourself  is a challenging and inspiring course enabling young people at risk to dig deep to transform challenging emotions such as anger, depression and anxiety through comedy. Finding constructive ways of releasing negative feelings with laughter, achieving a stronger sense of self and an authentic voice.


signing off

Signing Off  is a fast-paced and highly interactive employability programme that achieves results in 6 weeks. It is for young and unemployed people at risk who need to reveal their limitless potential and take new action to achieve new training or employment.



We devise highly motivational, interactive and uplifting presentations to young people at risk of exclusion, lacking in motivation or displaying negative behaviour. These are aimed at larger year groups based on the needs and concerns of the school and their students. Our presentations are a great way to revive a year group with new hope, a new mindset and new way. If one young person at risk stands strong on their own in a positive way, that inevitably has an impact on those around them, creating change for the better.




Head Held High empowers young people at risk of exclusion or affiliation with youth violence to reveal the courage to take new action and thrive in their lives.

Our objective is to create pathways for longer term success in the areas of wellbeing, education and employment.


We will do whatever we can to prevent what is happening in the footage below:

Our work is interactive and proactive so that participants feel change and take action from day one.  We will do everything we can to help individuals face what needs to be faced, maintain their place in education and take new steps  based on their true identity and happiness.
